Sunday, December 02, 2007


ohmygod. finally. i think i'm up to date. =) okay right. surprisingly, i don't have ANY pictures from amelia's board game party and the year end party. yeah well. you people can depend on the ohso dependable nat for that. hehe.

and from nat's blog. you also probably know that i have short short short short hair now. hehhh. but here's a picture anyway.

taken in the dressing room of the GIGANTIC forever21 in pavilion during an 8 hour shopping trip with puiyi, wengyee and aleena. haha.

and oh. for the record, nat. my jersey IS FIXED.

proof! HAH.

that's about it.


ohohohohohhhh. i forgot to mention that yesterday i spent like 4-5 hours in a computer store. and NOW i have my very very pretty white macbook. (clickie.) =) YAY!

now that is all.


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